Rhea County E-911 Communications Center is a public utility that prides itself in its professionalism by providing quality and equal communication services in any circumstance to all we encounter. We are the centralized dispatch center for Rhea County. We dispatch Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, and Rescue county wide and are open 24 hours, 7 days a week, for 365 days of the year.

Shane Clark
911 Director
Phone: (423) 775-6078
Fax: (423) 775-5042
8860 Back Valley Road
Evensville, TN 37332

Adam Wilson
Assistant 911 Director
Fax: (423) 775-5042
8860 Back Valley Road
Evensville, TN 37332

Joey Dunn, CMCP
Assistant 911 Director
Email: jdunn.rhea911@gmail.com
Phone: (423) 775-6078
Fax: (423) 775-5042
8860 Back Valley Road
Evensville, TN 37332
Board of Directors

Chairman: Earl “Bo” Kaylor
Vice Chairman: Ted Jones
Treasurer: Susan Piolatto
Secretary: Billy Thedford
Board Member: Mike Neal
Board Member: Tommy Solomon
Board Member: Brad Harrison
Board Member: Jim Reed
Board Member: Leo Stephens